Home > Design notes
Some notes for developers.
See Roadmap for details about when a given feature is planned
Tools overview
SportsReview is made up of a number of tools that specialise on certain tasks. Each tool is extendable using a common module API.
Delay analysis
Allows user to capture live streams of video and/or other numerical from various captuer devices such as accelerometers etc.
- Live play: i.e. view action with a configurable delay
- Pause: pause live play and view frame-by-frame
- Record: save a buffer of frames to disk for later analysis
After touches
Allows the user to open captures made during delay analysis and perform various tasks with them:
- Export video: in various formats and help put these files onto an external storage device.
- Ultimately this would allow merging of multiple capture devices and include any analysis overlays
- Analyse: run an analysis module over a frame or framegroup. These could perform tasks:
- render bat position on video image
- locate features from video frame (i.e. person and joints)
The core code will be kept to a minimum and use modules to extend the features of the software.
Three directories will exist to contain modules; 2 in the installation directory and an optional
(admin disableable) user override directory (in each users home/settings).
Modules can implement one or more of the following interfaces:
- CaptureFrame: capture details from a hardware device such as video cam, on-bat accelerometers
- ProcessFrame: process a single frame and optionally produce an overlay or text output
- CaptureGroup: capture a group of details from a filesource or capture on video device
- ProcessGroup: process a group of frames
OS independent
All attempts will be made to allow the code to run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS
Package friendly
Source and settings configurable to make it easy for package maintainers to package the software.
env.py will specify the source files/dirs that contain settings files. It will also allow the
maintainer to disable the software update feature (though it will allow the user to install a
local copy that can be updated)
Software updates
Use git to manage files. A local git repo (called working repo) within program is used to download new versions of program files (python files). The git repo can be configured to use the github repo or a clone of it that is on a mounted filesystem (e.g. usbdisk) for computers that are not internet connected.
A GUI and CLI client will allow the user to update the working repo from a configured remote, view the versions that are available (tags) and install a particular version (or a dev version by its hashid) during install the system will backup the current installation (and keep a number of versions).
- Python 2.x or 3.x [Only tested on 2.7]
- PySide (or PyQt): defaults to PySide, user can add PyQt support by un-commenting a small section of code in sportsreview/support/qtlib/__init__.py
- pyCV: (OpenCV)
- git: for software updates [not yet]
Development Repository
A public (open source) repo hosted on github will be used for version control and also for software distribution.
Branches: * master: for stable releases * dev: for active development * testing: for pre-release testing
Source/runtime tree
- aftertouches: package for application code of the after touches tool [TODO: implement this]
- ui: package for ui files
- main.py: the execution entry point
- common: package for code that is shared among tools
- delayvideo: package for application code of the delay analysis tool
- ui: package for ui files
- main.py: the execution entry point
- modules: package for modules that are included within sportsreview
- __init__.py: currently imports all modules, later this will be done away with.
- *.py: one file for each sportsreview module, name all lowercase
- settings: package for settings related modules
- settingsmanager.py: central place for loading and saving settings files
- *.py: the settings files for various configurations. settings.py is the default.
- support: package for system specific code. i.e. duplicate implementations of functions for each version of python etc.
- __init__.py: imports the correct system specific code. i.e. ‘import support’ to load the correct version of the functions for your system
- versionX.py: implementations for version X of python.
- osY.py: implementations for operating system Y. e.g. oslinux.py, oswin.py etc.
- test: package full of random code used for R&D.
- TODO: remove this and replace with unittests
- env.py: global overrides for settings and disabling software updates
Version numbering
Sports review uses the ‘‘Semantic Versioning’’ standard for version numbers http://semver.org/ i.e. [Major].[Minor].[Patch] using all digits
Bumping version
When the version number is bumped check to make sure it is updated in the following places:
- [code]: setup.py
- [code]: README.md, future work
- [code]: sportsreview/__init__.py
- [docs]: index.md, in heading, urls, and json metadata
- [docs]: downloads/index.md, in heading and urls
- [docs]: _includes/side.html, in urls (x4) and button labels (x2)
- [docs]: developers/roadmap.md, section needs moving
Coding style
Some notes on coding style
- Import only package/module level objects (i.e. not classes)
- Use import some.deep.package instead of from some.deep import package (qtlib loader excempt)
- Sort imports alpha/numerically
- Group imports by (i.e. one line gap):
- System
- qtlib loader
- global sportsreview: full package path (from sportsreview)
- local sportsreview: in same package
- No extra brackets on if/while/for statements
The modules can have a number of different functions, this section describes that a module must implement to perform each of these functions
All modules
- getModule(cls, settings, config): a class level function used to create an instance of the module
- param: settings, the global settings object
- param: config, module specific configuration (per instance)
- return: the Module instance
- A set of class level constants describing the API’s this module implements, set True each supported api
- __CAPTURE_FRAME__ = False
- __PROCESS_FRAME__ = False
- __CAPTURE_GROUP__ = False
- __PROCESS_GROUP__ = False