Environment Extension

mdx_environment is a Python Markdown extension that adds tags for content based on environment variables.

Environment values

To add values to your document that are stored in environment variables.



*Host*: \env{MY_VAR}
export MY_VAR="andrewjrobinson.github.io"


Host: andrewjrobinson.github.io


    <span class="environment_env" id="env0">andrewjrobinson.github.io</span>


You can process the value with some basic operations

export CAMEL="tHe CaMeL sAiD"

# "the camel said"

# "The Camel Said"

# "The camel said"

Conditional content

TODO: finish this documentation

Set / unset variables


Content that is only rendered if MY_VAR is set and has a value other than: "0", "", "false", "f", "no", "n"

Content that is only rendered if MY_VAR is NOT set or has a value: "0", "", "false", "f", "no", "n"


You can check that an Environment variable matches a constant with various operators

String comparisons:

NOTE: No quoting and cannot include spaces at ends or '}'

I.e. 2 is not the same as 2.0

\if{MY_NUM == 2}
\if{MY_STR == Hello world}

\if{MY_NUM != 2}

Number comparisons:

\if{MY_NUM > 2}

\if{MY_NUM < 2}

\if{MY_NUM >= 2}

\if{MY_NUM <= 2}

Typical usage

_MD_ENV_LOADED_ variable

The extension will print a warning on the python logger if the _MD_ENV_LOADED_ environment variable is not set. This makes it easy to remember that you forgot to load your environment variables. It is recommended that you create a enviro/defaults.sh script that you source from each of your context scripts.

Suggested directory structure

It is recommended that you create a defaults.sh file that is sourced by all your context specific environment files. If you put the _MD_ENV_LOADED_ variable in the defaults.sh file then users will automatically get a warning message if they forget to source one of your context files.


# default variables used by workshops

# Hide the warning about env not loaded
export _MD_ENV_LOADED_=1

export MY_VAR="andrewjrobinson.github.io"

export CAMEL="I have one hUMp"


# overrides for context 1

## import defaults ##
source enviro/defaults.sh

## Override values for this context ##
export CAMEL="I have two hUmPs"


# overrides for this documentation

## import defaults ##
source enviro/defaults.sh

## Override values for this context ##
export CAMEL="tHe CaMeL sAiD"